Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 2, 2022

What IS the Difference Between Condo And Townhouse?

What is the difference between condo and townhouse? A first-time home buyer may not know the differences between condos and townhomes as the living spaces share many similarities. If you’re thinking about either one as a new home, you’ll want to keep reading. 

Difference Between Condo And Townhouse

In today’s market, single-family homes are hard to find due to high demand for housing. The main differences between a condo and a townhouse are how the living spaces are built. 

Not to be confused with apartments or duplexes , condos and townhouses offer a higher-end living experience. The single-family homes are located in prime real estate areas and cater to those who want to invest in property rather spend money paying rent. But the most important question is, what are your personal preferences?

Before we go further, let’s do some background research to learn about how condos and townhouses became what they are today.

History Of The Condo

Condo is short for “condominium.” Condo is short for the word “condominium.” The word is a combination of “con,” which means “together” and “dominium,” which means “ownership’. It essentially means “co-ownership.”

Graystone Manor, built-in 1960 is cited as the first modern condominium in the US. Recently, historical accounts traced the condominium back to New York City in the 1800s.

However, the condo became famous in the 80s as Americans started earning more money and needed something to do with it. A condominium is a private residence that is owned or rented. Often, an owner of a condo will rent it to a tenant based on an annual contract.

Today, due the short-term rental market, and travel platforms like Airbnb, a condo can be rented for a few days by a traveler.

History Of The Townhouse

The townhouse originated in either London or Paris in the 1600s. It later emerged in New York City after Europeans immigrated to New York City, where it became a form of middle-class housing.

The word “townhouse” was used in early England, where it referred to a dwelling a family kept “in town” when their main residence was in the country.

Today, a townhouse is a cheaper version of a single-family residence. The homes have smaller living spaces and front yards. Townhouses belong to a homeowners association (HOA) which takes care of the landscaping and other exterior maintenance. The selling point for townhouses is how they offer less maintenance for those who want to enjoy the comfort of living in a regular house. 

What Are Property Taxes?

If the property tax rate is 4 percent and your house’s assessed value is $200,000, then your property tax liability equals or $8,000. The assessed value is often computed by incorporating the purchases and sales of similar properties in nearby areas.

The owner of a townhouse or condo must pay property taxes. 

Today, the states with the highest property tax rates are New Jersey, and Illinois, New Hampshire.

What Is A Condo?

What Is A Condo?
Standale Home Studio

A condo, or condominium, is a building that has many different living areas in it. Each area has its own entrance, even if to a hallway, and its own amenities, such as bathroom and kitchen. It is very similar to an apartment.

The difference is that in a condo, you own the space you live in. While you can rent a condo, in most cases, you will buy it instead. When you do rent a condo, you’re renting the area that one person owns rather than renting from the building owner. 

Owning a condo involves paying property taxes. Each unit has an owner but the building is owned by the condo owners. While one person may have purchased it to begin with, contracts ensure equal rights within the community. 

Condos come with things like tennis courts and swimming pools, you’ll like condo living. You can enjoy the benefits of a pool without the hassle of owning one. You can play tennis every weekend and not have to worry about court fees, but you will be expected to pay monthly fees. Most condo buildings come with fitness centers.

What Is A Townhouse?

What Is A Townhouse?
Amanda Kirkpatrick Photography

A townhouse is a house that doesn’t have more space. There may be a backyard, but there is no access to the exterior sides of the house. The house on Full House is a townhouse if that helps. 

A townhouse can be rented or owned and can even be turned into a duplex. It is simply a style of house instead of a type of housing. Townhouses offer access to townhouse communities.

But townhouses always have two walls covered by other buildings. Whereas condos aren’t about what they look like but rather how they are used. Condos are like apartments while townhouses aren’t associated with apartments. 

If you want square footage, you’re not going to find much of it with either choice. They don’t have the outdoor amenities that come with a new home, so you should be aware of that before signing up.

What Is An Apartment?

What Is An Apartment?
Studio DuBois

An expensive apartment is pretty much like a condo. Although not a dream home, each family has a living space that belongs only to them. However, the building is owned by a landlord to whom you pay rent. One distinct feature is how you can’t buy an apartment.

In urban areas, you’ll find apartment buildings and very few condominium buildings or townhomes. 

In a condo, there are different rules as you do own the area you live in, just not the land. The rules are usually just city or district codes. In an apartment, you follow the rules that are set by the landowner. 

You have very little say, but also very little responsibility with an apartment. You follow the rules, take care of your own unit, and do things very similar to the way they are done in dorms for college kids. 

Major Difference Between A Condo vs Townhouse

Townhouse brick
Eric Safyan / Architect PC

Now that we’ve got the simple differences and definitions explained, let’s take a look at the more technical differences. Instead of looking at the pros and cons, let’s take a look at the facts so you can decide for yourself. 

Condo Owners And Townhouse Owners

Condo owners and townhouse owners are two different people. A condo owner deals with more responsibilities because their property is part of a building. A townhouse owner only has to worry about their townhouse.

Condo Owners And Townhouse Owners

A townhouse owner must pay hoa fees, but a condo owner doesn’t have to worry about that. In the condo vs townhome debate, condos might come out ahead in the long run.

Townhome owners can enjoy living in a detached single family home. The townhouse community supports those who live in the area, so each one is like a mini-suburb. With membership to a homeowner’s association, townhome owners have an extra layer of protection against outside developments hurting their communities.

Nicer townhome communities will pay higher hoa fees. 

Shared Spaces

Condo owners have full ownership of their unit yet share joint ownership of the building. All the condo owners share ownership in the building and is known as a condo community. Condo owners have common areas that they use which are shared spaces. Before you move in, make sure it’s the right fit.

You also own part of the gym, pool, and any other amenities like trash pickup, snow removal, and snow plowing. You even own part of the hallway, yard, and airspace. And again, with condos there aren’t any hoa fees. Unlike townhomes, a condo isn’t a detached single family home.

When it comes to townhouse ownership though, it is just one family involved, similar to traditional houses. Whoever bought the townhouse owns it. The ownership works just like any other type of home.

When Is The HOA Involved?

When Is The HOA Involved? 

HOA, the homeowners’ association, will become an everyday name if you live in a condo. Both of these options have an HOA. The rules of the condo and townhouse are often set by the HOA. But the terms are different.

In a condo, the people of the HOA own part of the building. They take care of the common areas and maintenance. They can collect fees among other things. In a way, the HOA is more strict in a condo.

In a townhouse, there is a line. You own the property. There may be an HOA that makes rules since the walls of your home are attached to other homes but they don’t have as much power. In any case, you can join the HOA.

How Much Does A Condo Or Townhouse  Cost?

When Is The HOA Involved? 

Cost is always a factor, whether you’re building a house or buying. Both condos and townhouses are cheaper than houses set on land that is detached. But when it comes to a condo or a townhouse, there is a difference.

A condo is cheaper because you don’t have to buy land. Property payments are shared with the other tenants and distributed by HOA. Townhouses on the other hand are handled by you, the homeowner. 

Contact a realtor to find out the range of condos and townhouses in your area. They can give you an accurate range of what you are looking for to help you compare the two in your town. 

The Right Fit

Different townhouses 1024x691
WSD Homes

This is a big question that is asked often. Do you have more responsibilities with a condo or townhouse? The other end of this is that people believe that more responsibility also means more freedom.

When it comes to condos, you are responsible for paying your monthly house payment. HOA can help you through things step-by-step, which can help a lot. But with a townhouse, you’re responsible for everything.

A condo building is safer, and the shared amenities are a detractor. Townhomes offer fewer amenities, but they have one or more walls that separate bedrooms and interior spaces. Condos tend to be safer because many of them come with security.

Growing families on the other hand will choose a townhome because they are pretty much like a home.

Condo vs Townhouse Communities

Even with HOA involved, you’ll have more community living in a condo. On that same note, you’ll have more privacy in a townhouse. Each of these has a list of pros and cons and really depends on the family.

If you have children with who you want to interact with other children safely, a condo may be great because you can keep it local. However, forced interaction may happen with a condo which isn’t great if you value privacy above the community. 

So this comes down to whether a good community that you can trust is more important or having your own privacy is more important. These are the two actors to consider when choosing between a townhouse and a condo. 

Where Can I Have A Yard?

If having your own yard is important, then don’t even consider a condo. You can have a courtyard but it will be shared with other tenants. If you choose a condo, you won’t have any personal outdoor space. When it comes to townhouses, you can have your own backyard and occasionally a small front yard. You may have to follow rules but they shouldn’t be too strict. 

Investing In Condos And Townhouses

Investing In Condos And Townhouses

If you’re thinking about the long run, then you are thinking about which type of housing is the better investment. This depends on the area you live in, how the economy in the area is going, and a million other things. You won’t lose money on a condo. However, it’s also not as big of an investment.

Owning A Condo

But if you don’t have the money to lose, then a condo is a safer investment. Much like an apartment, you won’t be losing anything if you decide to move out. In fact, another tenant will probably have someone in mind to buy the unit right away. 

Condo owners control the building. There’s condo association which offers assistance in resolving issues. There are plenty of shared common spaces, so the living environment is social.

Investing In A Townhouse

A townhouse may be riskier but since you have more freedom, you’ll be able to affect the resale value personally. This can be scary to those with no experience with houses, but it can be a dream for those who want to make it big. you can even flip a townhouse if the HOA allows it, which they usually do. This just isn’t possible with a condo. 

Short Term Rentals

Short term rentals (STRs) are skyrocketing. You could buy a condo or townhouse and list the property on Airbnb where it would generate money. Retired homeowners and first-time homebuyers have been rushing to get in on STR game.

With more people working from home, the business travel experience has changed. This has fueled major growth within the STR industry. However, like most things that are popular and lucrative, there are benefits and drawback to real estate investing.

For example, some short term renters turn out to be noisy neighbors. HOAs will try and shut you down, but what they’re discovering how they’re not as powerful as they thought.

Condo Or Townhouse?

condo and townhouse - which is right for you
Page Ayres Cowley Architects, LLC

If you still don’t know whether you should get a condo or a townhouse, don’t worry. This isn’t a decision that can be made overnight. It is important to weigh the pros and cons on a personal level to find what works for you.

It is also nearly necessary to talk to a realtor you can trust. Find out what the perks of each are in your particular area and if they are even both available. There are some areas without condos and some without townhouses.

If there is only one type available then your decision has already been made for you. Just don’t rule out other options, like apartments, or affordable detached houses. You’d be surprised what a good realtor can find for you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)FAQ

What Are Homeowners Associations?

Homeowners associations, known as HOAs, manage common or shared property, protect owners’ property values, provide services to residents, and develop a sense of community through social activities and amenities.

Homeowners association fees are monthly dues collected by the HOA from property owners. These fees are standard for most purchased condominiums, apartments, and planned communities. Some neighborhoods that consist of single-family homes also have HOA fees.

Which Floor Is Best In Condo?

Buying a unit on one of the middle floors is the ideal choice if you want to avoid the extremes of the upper and lower levels. You can still use the stairs with ease, and traffic noise is tolerable at this level. On a higher floor, you won’t have to have to deal with street noise.

Can You Change The Floors In Condo?

Many HOAs require permission only where a homeowner is making structural changes to their unit. New flooring is generally not considered a structural change to a unit, especially if the finished flooring material is not being changed, say from carpeting to wood. 

Can You Put Hardwood In Condos?

As most condos have a concrete subfloor, engineered hardwood flooring is required for your home. Concrete subfloors also absorb airborne and structural noises and will require a sound barrier underlayment or glue with a sound barrier with your hardwood flooring.

Why Are Townhouses Cheaper?

Privacy: you have less private space than in a house and typically share walls with your neighbors. Land: smaller lot size. Resale value: townhouses usually experience less capital growth than a house, roughly the same as an apartment.

Lawn maintenance isn’t an issue. This is usually covered in your HOA fee. Be sure to check the HOA rules and regulations before you agree to anything. Some townhouses are detached houses, but as we’ve said, it depends on your area. 

How Much Does It Cost to Build a Townhouse

A single-family home, the national average cost for building a single townhouse is between $115,500 to $237,500, with most people paying around $175,000 per square foot.

Condo And Townhouse Conclusion

Condos and townhomes are pretty similar in many ways, but they’re also different in many others. Either living space is a popular option are popular options based on their convenience. Condo and townhouse communities feature outdoor spaces that are fun for the entire family. Depending on where you live, property taxes could be a detractor or a blessing.

If you’re looking for a single family home and want extra privacy, a detached single family home could be just the thing. This would also provide you with a little private outdoor space. With condos come HOA fees or condo fees, and again, this will depend on location. If you don’t have a family, individual units are available in most condominium buildings.

As an investment, condos are easier to resale, but that too will also depend on your market. However, both condos and townhomes could generate money in the short term market. Before you make a decision, sit down a figure out if a condo or townhouse is right for you. 

The post What IS the Difference Between Condo And Townhouse? appeared first on Home Decorating Trends - Homedit.


Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 11, 2021

Income Restricted Apartments: A Guide To Give You An Advantage

Income restricted apartments are developments made for those with low incomes. So while they may sound like there is an income cap or limit, in reality, there is actually a percentage cap of what you will pay.

What Are Income Restricted Apartments

These apartments exist to make things easier for everyone and ensure that everyone can have a home, no matter what they make. Income-based apartments are different but we will go over both today. 

What Are Income Restricted Apartments? 

Rent control alone can make getting an apartment very difficult, especially if you have a low income. That’s why these apartments exist. These apartments are different than they sound. 

Despite the name, these apartments are actually for the low-income and don’t restrict you if you don’t make enough. So this is an answer to prayers for many who can’t afford most other apartments. 

Income-restricted apartments are planned developments for low-income tenants. They are part of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) initiatives that are funded by the government as well as non-profits. 

When Did Income Restricted Apartments Start?

When Did Income Restricted Apartments Start

It all began in the 1960s when the Department of Housing and Urban Development Act established HUD. It was created to provide affordable housing for low-income families as well as those who can’t get jobs. 

The federal responsibility to ensure everyone had a house began right after the Great Depression. But it wasn’t until the 1960s that federal income was put towards the concern in the form of these apartments.

During this same time, the Civil Rights legislation to prevent housing discrimination also helped house more Americans, which also put a cap on the percentage of income one paid for an apartment.

Today, local governments have responsibility for this type of house, and over a million households classify as income-restricted public housing in America. But how does one go about looking into these units?

Income Restricted Apartments Vs. Income Based Apartments

Income Restricted Apartments Vs. Income Based Apartments
Image from Flickr

These are two terms that get thrown around and overlapped often but they are two separate things. Income-restricted apartments and income-based housing are not the same things in more than one way. 

Income-restricted apartments have a capped rent based on the average income for the area that the apartment is based in as well as the size of the apartment. This varies depending on the area the apartment is located. 

An income-based apartment based the cap on the tenant’s exact income. The cap is usually around 30% of the tenant’s income. So you can’t pay more than 30% of what you make, giving you money to spend on other necessities. 

How To Find Income Restricted Apartments

How To Find Income Restricted Apartments

Finding income-restricted apartments isn’t all that easy because they won’t be advertised on the standard apartment for rent ads and websites. Instead, you need to do it the right way, through the government.

These steps can teach you how to find income-restricted apartments and how to apply for an income-restricted apartment. So follow along and let some of the stress of doing things alone melt away.

Step 1: Go To The HUD website

The first thing you should do is go to the HUD, or the Department of Housing and Urban Development. They can take you through most of the steps, but learning more through their website can be very useful.

This is primarily just where you will get the information you need and not where you will be doing the application. It’s always best to talk to someone over the phone before filling anything government-related out. 

Step 2: Contact The PHA

Since income-restricted apartments are non-personal and instead based on the median income of the area, contacting the public housing authority can help you find what you may pay. Then you can decide if this is right for you.

If not, and you want a personal-based payment, then you should consider an income-based apartment instead. They will base the monthly payment off of your income instead of the median income.

Step 3: Fill Out An Application

After you call the PHA, they can help you find an income-restricted apartment in your area. The ones they choose will primarily be government-owned. This is not the same as charity-owned apartments. 

Those owned by non-profits will be found through that non-profit or local committee. Otherwise, you can easily fill out an application via the PHA. They can walk you through the steps with ease.

Step 4: Provide Documents

Every adult who will live in the new apartment will need to provide a photo ID and every child will need to provide a birth certificate. You will also need to provide proof of income for each adult in the house.

They may also ask for a background check which you can provide or they may do their own background check. So be prepared for this if you have anyone living in your home that may slow things down. 

Step 5: Wait And See

Depending on the supply and demand in the area, you may get an apartment right away or you may have to wait for quite some time. It all depends on how many people need apartments in your area.

If you feel like it is taking too long, reach out to organizations in the area that own housing units. These can either place you temporarily or permanently, depending on how far you are on the waitlist.

Income Restricted Apartments FAQs

Income-restricted apartments can be difficult to work with if you’ve never done it before. But these quick questions and concise answers can help you as you make your way to your new home.

Can I Rent An Apartment With Low Income?

Yes, you can! Income restricted apartments and income-based apartments are both designed for people with low incomes. So even if you make minimum wage, you can still rent an apartment for your family.

Since the 1960s, the American government has been trying to ensure that everyone has a roof over their head. While we still aren’t there yet, places like these apartments are a huge step in the right direction. 

How Do I Qualify For Income Restricted Apartments? 

To qualify for an income-restricted apartment, you need to provide your proof of income. While most people can rent an apartment, having an income will ensure the landlords that you can pay the rent.

Without this, then you will be stuck with choosing free housing or income-based apartments that you can afford. Because you have to be able to pay the median price for the apartment with this type of apartment. 

How Do Income Restricted Apartments Verify Income?

Income restricted apartments usually don’t dig too deep when verifying income. So as long as you have your pay stubs, you should be good. They may call your place of work and ask for a reference, but that’s about it.

If you have paid your taxes the last few years, or at least the previous year, then this process should be super quick. They can simply look back at your tax return and see what you made the previous year. 

Are Income Restricted Apartments Safe?

Income restricted apartments get a bad name because low-income areas have a higher crime rate. But the fact that they are income-restricted doesn’t play a role in this. It simply depends on the neighborhood. 

No matter what type of apartment or house you live in, having security measures in check is always a good idea. But in reality, many income-restricted apartments are extremely well kept as they are taken care of by an organization or government. 

Why Do Income Restricted Apartments Exist?

Income restricted apartments exist so that everyone has a chance to have a roof over their head if they have a job. The median salary percentage for the area is taken into effect but most of the time, that’s a large cap.

So, you probably won’t pay near the cap, this is just a measure to take into play to protect tenants. The cap is rarely what you pay no matter your income, it is simply a precautionary measure. 

How Do I Find Income Restricted Apartments?

Finding income-restricted apartments is difficult to do on your own. While realtors won’t get a percentage or commission for showing you the apartment, if you know one personally they may be able to help out.

Googling them in your area is also a way to find them, as is talking to the PHA. Just know that you can’t do it alone and there’s nothing wrong with that. Income restricted apartments are all about accepting that we are one nation and one human race. 

The post Income Restricted Apartments: A Guide To Give You An Advantage appeared first on Home Decorating Trends - Homedit.


Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 11, 2021

Small Apartment Decor In Hong Kong Reinvigorated By A New Layout

Like most old homes, this apartment from Hong Kong was originally divided into several small individual rooms, each with a specific function. While that used to be practical in a time when it was the norm, today such a layout feels claustrophobic. This is why the owner and her beloved cat sought the help of littleMORE Interior Design studio in order to turn this into a home fit for their modern lifestyle.

small apartment decor
One of the back corners was transformed into a workspace with a desk, dark blue wallpaper and a stylish shelf
Even after connecting the living room and bedroom into a single space the apartment is still quite small
Even after connecting the living room and bedroom into a single space the apartment is still quite small

Given the reduced dimensions of this place (only 260 square feet/ 24 square meters), the designers had to come up some clever small apartment decor ideas to make it feel like home. The 35 year old apartment gradually transformed from a collection of tiny individual spaces into a much more open and airy space. This was achieved by knocking down some of the interior walls and connecting some of the rooms such as the living area and the bedroom. 

The open bookshelves bordering the bed double as a room divider
The open bookshelves bordering the bed double as a room divider
The L-shaped sofa is also positioned in a way which helps the two areas feel like separate spaces
The L-shaped sofa is also positioned in a way which helps the two areas feel like separate spaces

Although they’re now technically one and the same, the living room, bedroom and the home office still retain their own individual uniqueness. The separation is now done through key pieces of furniture and a floor level difference – the sleeping area is raised on a platform and delineated by a custom bookcase. 

The bed is raised on a platform and that gives the sleeping area a sense of individuality
The bed is raised on a platform and that gives the sleeping area a sense of individuality
The TV is mounted onto o multifunctional wooden wall unit
The TV is mounted onto o multifunctional wooden wall unit
The kitchen is a small and separate room but the sliding glass door helps to open it up toward the living area
The kitchen is a small and separate room but the sliding glass door helps to open it up toward the living area
The bathroom is tiny but has all the basic amenities including a shower
The bathroom is tiny but has all the basic amenities including a shower
From the kitchen you get a view of the entire living area and the window nook at the back
From the kitchen you get a view of the entire living area and the window nook at the back

The kitchen remained a separate space but has a glass panel sliding door that helps to give it a more open feel and to visually connect it to the rest of the apartment. The bathroom is small and cleverly hidden behind a secret door on the big wall unit that’s now part of the living area. Another beautiful small apartment design idea was to create a cozy sitting nook along the two big windows on the back wall. 

The kitchen is also the laundry room and the black and white palette suits it
The kitchen is also the laundry room and the black and white palette suits it

The post Small Apartment Decor In Hong Kong Reinvigorated By A New Layout appeared first on Home Decorating Trends - Homedit.


Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 9, 2021

An 18th Century Warehouse Transformed Into A Magnificent Modern Apartment

Old structures always present lots of challenges when they need to be restored or transformed. However, that also makes each project super unique and interesting. We have a great one to share with you today in that sense.

18th Century Warehouse Transformed

This is Casa Bures, an old warehouse that was originally built in 1905 by Francesc Berenguer for textile magnate Francesc Bures. It’s located in Barcelona, Spain. It was very recently remodeled and repurposed by studio Kirsten Shwalgien Design

The ground floor which was once a place for carriages to be stored in became a magnificent two-bedroom loft with an open and stylish layout. The entryway by a pair of massive wood doors and features a glass wall that overlooks the interior. There’s a big social area with a living room, dining room and kitchen. It has elegant support columns sprinkled around and a beautiful ceiling design. In the dining room, there’s a gorgeous table with a top made of untreated brass that has a vintage look. The kitchen features smoked chestnut cabinets and a beautiful island with a green-colored counter.

More spaces can be found towards the back, like a small home office with a desk placed in front of a big window and a spacious closet that you can walk through in order to reach the master bedroom. This room has a really charming design. The wall behind the bed shows sections that reveal the original bricks and plaster, like a hint of the past expertly integrated into the fresh new design.

This bedroom also has a cozy sitting area and access to a private outdoor patio with an L-shaped sofa and lots of plants. The guest bedroom is really beautiful as well, most notable thanks to the matte blue accent wall that’s magnificently enhanced by the lighting. 

The post An 18th Century Warehouse Transformed Into A Magnificent Modern Apartment appeared first on Home Decorating Trends - Homedit.


Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 9, 2021

Inspiration For A Stylish Home Decor – 10 Loft Interior Design Ideas

Originating back in the 1940s, a loft is an American-style kind of dwelling. Among its specific traits, you may recognize the high ceilings and wide space. These modern living spaces were mainly abandoned factories at first.

Loft Interior Design Ideas

Though decor turns them more inhabitable, some lofts still preserve a dash of the past. Reminiscent of the old times, exposed pipes or rough brick walls survive perfectionism. Lofts are gaining more popularity for a variety of reasons. The generous space provided is one of the most prominent. But the same space can pose a couple of challenges for homeowners.

For example, it can be rather tricky to create privacy without altering the visual flow. Or you may feel tempted to gather too many decorations, while you’re under the illusion of too much space. To avoid getting cramped or feeling lost in too much blank, here are some ideas.

We have 10 loft interior design ideas and tips, to spark your imagination and creativity. Ready to feel inspired?

1. Enhancing Natural Lighting – João Tiago Aguiar

Enhancing Natural Lighting - João Tiago Aguiar

Finding the best light radically transforms the vibes a space sends out. Take, for example, this old printing office from Lisbon. A rather gloomy construction becomes a glorious home of light. The architect behind this luminous interior is João Tiago Aguiar. He left his mark in reviving its aesthetic. Restructuring some of the previous sanitary facilities allowed making this place colossal. Natural lighting floods the full area now and imprints a fresh, revigorating vibe.

As you can observe, the room distribution and purpose are versatile. It is up to the inhabitants to give a specific use to an area. And they can always opt for reversing. There is an open kitchen connecting with the dining area. 

Meanwhile, the living room and bedroom don’t have a predefined level. The room division is elegantly done through large glass sliding doors. These create the illusion of compartmentalization. At the same time, they leave the open space perspective unhindered.

When planning your loft decor, remember to make the most of the natural light conditions. Consider this loft’s example and remove any blockages. Here, the front wall opening greatly benefits from expansion. This allows a better illumination and ventilation. Use finishing materials, textures and nuances that match the desired effect. White or pastel tones amplify the sensation of light. Whereas dark, contrasting elements help contour a division or direct attention towards something. The key is in finding the perfect balance, to create that eye-pleasing flow.

2. Optimizing Floor Integration – Lez Arquitetura

Optimizing Floor Integration - Lez Arquitetura

A common challenge when decorating a loft is defining the boundaries between spaces. Here is a successful example of how private and social areas can be properly integrated. The extension of the mezzanine gives the structure of this loft a more unifying balance. The Lez Arquitetura team focused on exploiting the upper floor potential for expanding.

For those with a soft spot for well-organized furniture and equipment, this loft is a haven. The lower level has as main purposes hosting social gatherings and household chores. Common use appliances get to impress with a well-thought, space-saving alignment.

On the other hand, the upper floor provides that privacy you may long for. The simple design of shelves and cabinets creates that orderly reassuring sensation. This compartmentalization is both stylish and practical. Owners get to make good use of the space and enjoy the modern structured decor.

Complementary to the clean-cut of furniture pieces, the colors and materials add a warm touch. Wood creates that home atmosphere, while gray tones bring a modern, cool influence. Metal frames and glass are the key materials used for creating delimitations. They preserve some of that industrial look and enhance natural lighting. Keep in mind to draw clear lines with the elements in decor. This is essential to maintain that spacious perspective and avoid overcrowding.

3. Blending Natural And Modern Elements – Crippa E Assis Arquitetura

Blending Natural And Modern Elements - Crippa E Assis Arquitetura

Beauty derives from simplicity, one might say. The team at Crippa and Assis Arquitetura knows that and uses it for the best. Take a look at this fabulous loft and its enviable elegance. The clean surface could not be better divided than this. The balance between neutral colors and materials creates a futuristic illusion. The marble is, by definition, a material that brings a sophisticated touch. Meanwhile, the wood takes us back to our origins, to simplicity, to nature. This refined equilibrium is an invitation to meditation, reconnection with the self.

All your five senses get revived in this welcoming space. Blending modern life elements, this loft is rich in details reconnecting with nature. LOFT ON LIFE features three main areas, aiming to satisfy even the most complex needs. There is a social sector, where the living room and the fireplace are central. 

The kitchen merges with the dining area, for a wholesome eating experience. Besides the traditional rooms, this loft concept also proposes a designed relaxation area. Here, the working space comes with a complementing meditation zone. The decor is an invitation to acknowledge how important it is to separate the dimensions of our life. The private section stands isolated from the rest through a large wooden-lined box. This sleeping space aims to be a secure, nature-inspired haven.

The essence of this concept aims to help us keep a clear image of our various needs and desires. Using clear delimitations within its space, the loft invites to a more mindful living. Taking time and energy for each of our needs feels more natural in such a decor. Sharp edges, simple lines combine with oversized pots and lush green plants. Complexity, just as in human existence, reveals itself in the details.

4. Adding Wood For More Warmth – Cacau Ribeiro Interiores

Adding Wood For More Warmth - Cacau Ribeiro Interiores

If you are thinking about turning a loft into a home-like space, this next idea will enchant you. Under the signature of architect Grazielle Martins Barradas, this welcoming design is family-material. It relies on classical materials, like wood, put to great use even for less common purposes.

The cozy atmosphere is mostly given by the warm brown wood that dominates the space. The French accordion doors and tall windows allow natural light to flood the area. In terms of practicality, this decor is rich in wooden frames and shelves. 

This offers plenty of storage space for all the kitchen tools and more. In an attempt to avoid closed cupboards, designers propose hooks to exhibit utensils. Neutral tones of beiges or white highlight the beauty of the wood decor.

For added comfort, the designed botanical corner also plays an important role. More than just an eye-pleasing component, plants influence the humidity and temperature too. This contributes to a more breathable, refreshing ambient indoors. In addition to this, this family living space can also include a reading or board game area, ideal for kids. The Loft Essential from Cacau Ribeiro Interiores is a home. The kind of haven where you can picture yourself living happily with your family for many years.

5. Getting Inspiration From The Surroundings – Tangible

Getting Inspiration From The Surroundings - Tangible

If your vision includes a gorgeous view, you may not want your interior decor to neglect that. The Zagal Loft is a happy example of how modern style can enhance the beauty of the surroundings. This two-level duplex underwent some transformation, to become a wholesome space. Small details, finishes, furniture components are carefully blended together. The illusion of continuity feeds on the elements’ complementarity.

Each sector of this loft is visibly connected to the others, like the activities meant to take place in them. The kitchen and dining room intercalate, as parallel stages in our daily routine. Further on, the living room communicates with the balcony, emphasizing the stunning view.

The separation emerges when accessing the upper level. Here, the private dimension simplifies. Basic lines, fewer accessories make their way up. The only connection with the first floor, where the social sector is, remains the green walls.

The main materials used in this decor were wood, steel and concrete. For a more lively impact, vegetation was also added. To balance proportions and break monotony, the Tangible architects relied on mirroring. This way, while concrete is the first-floor ground dominant, wood takes its place on the second floor. Viceversa, the wooden ceiling of the kitchen or living room gets replaced with tiles. Generous storing spaces are skillfully camouflaged. The uninterrupted staircase emphasizes the feeling of continuous connection between the two floors.

6. Experimenting With Shades Of Grey – Nauzet Rodríguez

Experimenting With Shades Of Grey - Nauzet Rodríguez

Even non-industrial spaces have a chance to become a type of “loft”. Architect Nauzet Rodríguez made this his mission with a formal commercial space. He relied mostly on various shades of grey, minimalist furniture and metal elements. This way, he managed to imprint a contemporary, industrial vibe.

After removing the interior divisions, the space kept only its original stone walls. A new, two-textures facade made its way into the new structure. Once the interior walls got converted into visible columns, the lounges opened more. Breaking the monotony in a sky of grey, the green area between the bedroom and bathroom was much needed. For improved lighting and ventilation, an interior patio needed redesigning. That’s how the leftover roof length became the backbone of the lounges.

As the core of this loft, the kitchen connects the interior and exterior. The property also features a terrace, a garden, a pool, a washroom and a service area. Consistency and unity reflect through the materials used in this decor. A story of origins and evolution gets written in the walls and access ways of this loft. Stone, specific to the old houses of the region merges with cement, for a rough, imposing texture. Black and white elements contrast to highlight the height and volume of the space. Hanging lights and asymmetric furniture give a unique touch to this interior.

7. Bending The Rules And Lines – Mandarina Arquitetura

Bending The Rules And Lines - Mandarina Arquitetura

Take a step into a universe where straight lines take a sudden turn to surprise you. Curves are the keynote in this modern loft, under the signature of Mandarina Arquitetura. Masking private areas or storage spaces, waving elements prove fun and stylish.

Take, for example, the remarkable wood panel in this loft. It curls around the first floor, from the stairs, through the living room and down to the kitchen. Acting as a cohesive component of the decor, it ensures a smooth transition among the rooms. What hides behind this dynamic wooden loop is compensated with practicality. High kitchen cabinets, the TV furniture and even a toilet are all integrated behind it. This large wavy panel, alongside the shell staircase, breaks the monotony. A more modern, industrial note is also brought by the exposed pipes and lamps in the living room.

If shapes bend the rules, the color palette stays in the safe zone. Tones of brown, cement gray and white dominate the picture. Exposed in plain sight, functional components from the AC unit still remain discreet. Versatility and modernity meet under the same roof. Such a unique design ensures complete comfort for social gatherings or intimate reunions. Present in every corner, wood adds a sophisticated twist to any room.

8. Reviving Hidden Jewels – BOOM TOWN

Reviving Hidden Jewels - BOOM TOWN

Even former factories have the right to a new life. Atelier BOOM-TOWN decided to take this matter into their own creative hands. This is how an industrial building in Quebec became a cozy, well-equipped family home. Their plan was to rearrange the compartmentalization, for a better view of the space. The stars of the show remained two large masonry walls, the steel structure and high ceilings.

Old and new blend in such an appealing way, that modern life finds itself at home even in a historical structure. Materials like brick, steel or lumber pair up with the concrete. Clear lines, saturated colors and massive furniture give weight and personality.

Cold shades of grey mirror white zones, for a game of light and shadows that emphasizes the loft’s depth. On top of this, black structures add height and contour the amplitude of the construction. Warm tones of brown soften up the industrial atmosphere, through the wooden elements.

Such an impressive space can undergo several stages of metamorphosis over time. With the help of a proper renovation, it can embrace even the most uncanny concepts. For example, as unlikely as it sounds, this loft was successfully transformed into a home. That is, the functionality associated with the new structure meets the needs of a family. The wide structure allows readjustments, to accommodate children as well. Furnishing and zone delimitation follows that idea. The cooking area, bedrooms or living room fulfil practically all these purposes.

9. Splashing Colors For A Lively Atmosphere – FABRICations

Splashing Colors For A Lively Atmosphere - FABRICations

When architects take innovation to the next level, Casco Loft is one of the likely results. This project exploited the potential of a three stories dwelling. Given the structural flexibility of the building, the space provides a unique experience. Privacy and shared spaces are successfully blended, for enhanced interaction.

One of the aspects that draws attention most is the suspended boxes concept. Double heights and voids near the facades amplify the perception of large space. Also, they allow better ventilation and illumination in the central living areas. Such an unconventional spatial experience could not be blank. 

Visual identity is essential for those who would choose to live in such a loft. That is why lively colors, textures and materials are all combined for more impact. Beyond the visual appeal, modern, innovative materials play a practical role. For example, a lightweight metal mesh can be a better choice in terms of costs or occupied space.

Creative, colorful layouts take the monotony out of the scheme. Positioned in key areas of the house, bright tones enhance the illusion of light and set a good vibe. Each space is, from the beginning, designed to meet various needs. Multifunctionality is something highly valued in modern decor.

10. Returning To The Origins Of A Loft – CMC architects

Returning To The Origins Of A Loft - CMC architects

If you feel guilty for going astray from the primary concept of loft, take a deep breath. A certain solution for success in stylish interior design is to keep alive the original. This CMC Architects masterpiece counts on that precisely.

Using a former brewery as a foundation, they transformed the wide space into a modern home. Converting the building into a practical dwelling does not have to renegate the past. Reminiscent of its golden era, the brewery brick walls remained unplastered. The concrete floor had to stay genuine, for an authentic industrial look. The steel staircase and bookcase contribute to the overall impression. There is no way the space would reflect better its origin story.

The black ceiling disguises electric wires running exposed. And as unusual as it may sound to you, this loft has all the modern amenities one may dream of having a home. The generous living room zone features the latest digital cinema technology. The minimalist furnishing provides the needed comfort without drawing too much attention. A neat, simple yet fully functional space, having history written on its walls.


If you’re planning to move into a loft, these ten ideas should stir your creativity. Remember, it’s essential to find that balance between functionality and style. And you can always leave your personal touch in the small details. Let us know in the comments what loft caught your attention and why.

For more inspiration, take a peek over our other articles. Even service rooms should have style, right?

The post Inspiration For A Stylish Home Decor – 10 Loft Interior Design Ideas appeared first on Home Decorating Trends - Homedit.


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